Preventing Violence within Valdez is not something AVV can do alone. In order to engage community members to make positive impacts and to create community mobilization, we need all hands on deck.
"True prevention is not waiting for bad things to happen, it's preventing things from happening in the first place."
Don McPherson
Attention all parents of girls in 3rd-5th grade! AVV Prevention is offering a FREE GIRLS ON THE RUN program. This is a program that focuses on fostering healthy self-esteem and friendships while training to do a 5K at the end of spring! The program promotes a healthy MIND, BODY, and SPIRIT! All interested participants will receive a Girls On The Run packet and participate in weekly runs with AVV's prevention coordinator! Please see the flyer for details!

Valdez Prevention Coalition
Valdez Prevention Coalition compromised of pro-active leaders who are taking a stand against violence of all forms. Leaders from the counseling center, Valdez local city government, the police force, local businesses, and also Active Community Members. They have worked to build a comprehensive prevention plan with the goal of preventing first time victimization and first-time perpetration.
Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. TDVAM is a month-long campaign dedicated to raising awareness about teen dating abuse.
Lead ON
Lead On! For Peace and Equality is a youth engagement strategy based on a model that identifies, trains, and enlists the help of key opinion leaders to change social norms and behaviors. The program is based on effective behavior change theory, diffusion of innovation/social influence principles, which states that trends and innovations are often initiated by a relatively small segment of opinion leaders in the population. Once innovations are modeled and accepted, they then diffuse throughout a population, influencing others.